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    Member  Pages

    Access Codes

    You need ‘Username & ‘Password’ codes to open a member page for the first time in a browsing session.

    In the above menu bar, all Page Titles on the lighter blue background are 'Member Pages'. Click a title and if the 'Sign In' box comes up, you need to enter the codes and click Sign in

    Your computer or other viewing device may well offer to save the codes into memory, to make it quicker next time.

    Once signed in, you can then continue to open other pages during the same browsing session.

    For more help, or to request re-issue of codes from the Webmaster, using the link below.


     New Page Content

    New material, for publication on the website, should be sent to the Webmaster by using the link below, to ensure your material reaches the right people.

    Photographs need to be high quality for web publication.

                               Email the Webmaster