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Welcome to the Dorridge U3A website
Website Visitors Thank you for visiting our website. Dorridge U3A started in 1990 and we now have around 550 members. New members are very welcome and there is a wide variety of interest groups you may like to join. We hope you find something of interest. General Meeting Talks We normally hold General Meetings at 2.0pm in Dorridge Village Hall on the first & third Thursdays of the month, with a programme of talks covering a wide range of subjects. Read more Our Activity Groups We have nearly 40 different interest and activity groups, some of which are so popular that they are split into smaller groups in order to accommodate the number of members who are keen to participate. Read more Dorridge U3A Outings 2025 Our Outings Coordinator, Kate O'Hara, has organised a delightful selection of trips for 2025, including:- Tuesday 29th April – Burghley House & Stamford Friday 9th May – Malvern Spring Festival Wednesday 4th June – National Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire Thursday 28th August – 5-day trip to the North-East and the Kynren Show If you would like to accompany Kate on any of these trips, please contact her by clicking the link to her details here. Dorridge U3A Pantomime - 'Ali Baba' Our 2024 Panto was Ali Baba, written and directed by du3a member Margaret Fulford. Songs, lots of ‘oh yes he is, oh no he isn’t’, and a very enthusiastic audience. We’ve had excellent feedback for our two sell-out afternoon performances, not only for the great script but also for the colourful costumes. A full video performance of this & other recent pantomimes & reviews are available for members to view via the 'Pantomimes' page) Du3a Outing to the Military Intelligence Museum (September 2024) Most people are aware of the importance of Bletchley Park as the home of the Code-Breakers who helped break the infamous 'Enigma' code and, as a result, shortened the length of WWII. Indeed, there was a DU3A visit to the Bletchley Park museum in the spring of 2024. What many people aren't aware of is the importance of other forms of intelligence, such as information gleaned from agents on the ground and photographs taken from high altitude reconnaissance aircraft. Less glamorous but just as important. Hence our visit to the Military Intelligence Museum based at MOD Chicksands near Shefford in Bedfordshire. Read More 50th Anniversary Dorridge Day (September 2024) By golly, but didn't it rain! During the set-up, that is. But then the rain eased off, the crowds began to trickle in, and even the sun came out. A wonderful afternoon was had by all who attended. For more images, click here Science & IT Groups Joint Visit to Warwick University (August 2024) 18 members of Dorridge U3A Science & IT Groups gathered at the University of Warwick Professor Lord Bhattacharyya Building for our annual offsite visit. We were split into two groups for our visit to the Energy Innovation Centre where we were shown their latest developments in electric vehicle battery technology. The most favoured battery format is a cylinder, only slightly larger than the familiar AA style, and this reminded one of our members of an infamous Mercedes AA class spoof advertisement "Batteries not included". A link to this YouTube video is here. Dorridge u3a outing to Hampton Court Palace (June 2024) For some this was a first visit; for others it was the opportunity to re-visit a wonderful piece of British heritage. Read More Riviera Travel Commission Scheme One of our members has just booked a holiday with Riviera Travel, who will make a donation of 10% of their holiday cost to Dorridge u3a. Please enable Dorridge u3a to receive commission on your next Riviera Travel holiday. For further information, please click here. July - December 2024 Musicals Programme
Click here to view our programme for the remainder of 2024. Calling all Knitters and
Crocheters We are planning a large
display of knitted and crocheted poppies in We would appreciate your
help! In the foyer of St. Philip’s, under the stairs behind the Food Bank, is a box of supplies….knitting and crochet patterns, red and black wool. Please help yourselves, any time between 9am-12 weekdays when the building is open, or when you go as part of a U3A activity. Or use your own pattern and wool and leave your contributions in the box. We would also love donations of wool and black buttons. The more poppies, the bigger the display! Please click here to download a flyer. SUNDAY ACTIVITIES Visit to the Victorian Radicals exhibition in The Gas Hall, Birmingham (April 2024) Throughout the winter our Sunday Activities have tended to be inside one of the many local hostelries, sharing a convivial lunch. All very enjoyable, but for our April meeting Group Leader Margaret Thompson took us in a more cultural direction and into Birmingham. Spring Outing to Bletchley Park - Station X (March 2024) It didn’t rain – well not until we boarded the coach for home. We arrived in good time, ready for
a full day at the Park! We collected our multi-media guides and set off to explore. The Park was buzzing with excited school parties (noisy but well behaved), and lots of visitors. However, it never felt too crowded and uncomfortable because the attraction is spread over a wide area. Read More 2023 Annual Trustees Report The 2023 Annual Trustees Report describes the activities of Dorridge U3A during the year to 31st December 2023, and is a requirement of the Charities Commission following an increase in our annual turnover to in excess of £25,000 for the first time. The report may be downloaded in pdf format by clicking here. Full House (7th March 2024) Annual General Meetings don’t usually draw in the crowds, but the decision to bring the Dorridge u3a AGM forward from May to March seems to have hit the spot. The Chair and Committee were hoping to achieve the 50-member attendance required for the meeting to be quorate. At 1.50pm it was looking hopeful; by 1.55pm it was certain, and more chairs were being added; by the time that Chair William Foster opened the meeting it was standing room only!
William and the du3a Committee would like to thank all our members for such great support. Questers February visit: The Coffin Works in Birmingham (February 2024) Doesn’t sound too promising, does it? Read on . . . This was a fascinating visit; not a mournful collection of boxes as some of us may have imagined, but a peep back into the past when Birmingham was ‘the city of a thousand trades’ and this company – Newman Brothers – was among the best of them. The company began trading in 1894, making ancillaries for coffins; elaborate castings of coffin ‘furniture’, shrouds, and coffin linings. Their coffin furniture was used for the funerals of King George V, King George VI, and Winston Churchill. There is a strong suspicion (but no proof) that it may even have been used more recently for a similar funeral as, when company closure became imminent, they contacted their customers, who bought up all remaining stock . . Dorridge U3A Panto Group WANTS YOU! STOP PRESS (Full performances of recent pantomimes & reviews available for members to view via 'Pantomimes' page) Our 2023 Panto was Cinderella, written and directed by du3a member Margaret Fulford. Songs, lots of ‘oh yes he is, oh no he isn’t’, riotous Ugly Sisters, a Fairy Godmother like you’ve not met before, a fairy-tale ending, and a very enthusiastic audience. We’ve had excellent feedback for our two sell-out afternoon performances, not only for the great script but also for the colourful costumes. Read More Questers visit to HS2 depot at Lea Marston - 14th September 2023 Members of the Questers Group, together with other members of Dorridge U3A, met at the new HS2 training and manufacturing facility at the Lea Marston depot, for an HS2 programme update and an opportunity to ask questions about the project in Solihull and Warwickshire. Read More Science & IT Group visit to Birmingham University - 8th August 2023 Over 20 members of Dorridge U3A Science & IT Groups gathered on platform 2 of Dorridge station in time to catch the 09:34am train to Birmingham Moor Street, for our visit to the UK Rail Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN) of Birmingham University. Read More Morgan Motor Company - 19th April 2023 Wednesday 19 April saw 20 members meet up in the café at Morgan Motor Company in Malvern for our fascinating guided tour of the factory. Read More A 'Flying Visit' to Le Touquet - 16th April 2023 One of the benefits of holding a private pilot’s licence (PPL) is the ability to make day trips to the near Continent for lunch. Read More Spring Outing - March 2023
The Science of Taste - November 2022 In November 2022, Dorridge U3A Science group had a presentation by Professor Alan Chalmers of Warwick University on his work on virtual flavour generation. Read moreVisit to Windsor Castle - September 2022 Our outing to Windsor Castle on Thursday 8 September turned out to be a bittersweet event. Read more Group Outings - August 2022 For their August outing this year (2022) Questers visited Little Oaks vineyard in Chipping Campden. Read more "And they said Monday wasn't a busy day in Parliament!!" - June 2022 We had an excellent outing to the Houses of Parliament on Monday 27 June 2022. Read More
First Solo - November 2006 David Archer describes this significant life event. Read more Subscription
Who Can Join Dorridge U3A? Anyone in their third age (after the second age of full-time employment). Applying for Membership
| Dorridge News February 2025 Events IT & Science Groups The next meeting of the IT Group will be on Tuesday, 18th February, in St Philip's Church Centre at 10:30am, when Les Collier will talk about 'Satellite Navigation Systems'. Prior to this at 10:00am, there will be the usual computer 'help' session. The following Thursday, 20th February, also in St Philip's Church Centre at 10:00am, Roger Williams will give a talk to the Science Group entitled 'Satellite Science, forecasting the Future'. Crier February Crier now available, click here to view. Information For latest information, click General Meetings or Group News Privacy & Data Usage By viewing our website your IP address, browser details, times of visits, etc., may be logged and used for statistical purposes, network and security and fraud prevention. This helps us to monitor how effectively the site is working. Be assured that we never profile normal visitors to the site or invasively monitor them. The statistical data will be used by ourselves and may also be used by our website provider to help provide the service. The legal basis for processing this information is Legitimate Interest |